Ahmadiyya Times: Faith and Loyalty: The code of conduct | Ahmadi Muslims live by certain expectations

Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community claimed in 1891 that on the basis of Divine revelations he was the Promised Messiah and Mahdi whose advent had been foretold by Muhammad, the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and by the scriptures of other faiths. His claim constitutes the basis of the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Excerpts
Source & Credit: Islam Int'l Publications | Al Islam.org
By Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (1835 - 1908)
The members of my Jama‘at (Community), wherever they might be, should listen with attention. The purpose of their joining this Movement and establishing the mutual relationship of spiritual preceptor and disciple with me is that they should achieve a high degree of good conduct, good behaviour and righteousness. No wrongdoing, mischief, or misconduct should even approach them. They should perform the five daily Prayers regularly, should not utter a falsehood and should not hurt anyone with their speech. They should be guilty of no vice and should not let even a thought of any mischief, or wrong, or disorderliness, or turmoil pass through their minds. They should shun every type of sin, offence, undesirable action, passion, and unmannerly behaviour. They should become pure-hearted and meek servants of God Almighty, and no poisonous germ should flourish in their beings….
Sympathy with mankind should be their principle and, they should fear God Almighty. They should safeguard their tongues and their hands and their thoughts against every kind of impurity, disorderliness and dishonesty. They should join the five daily Prayer services without fail. They should refrain from every kind of wrong, transgression, dishonesty, bribery, trespass, and partiality. They should not participate in any evil company. If it should be proved that one who frequents their company does not obey God’s commandments or is not mindful of the rights of people, or is cruel or mischievous, or is ill-behaved, or is seeking to deceive the servants of God Almighty by speaking ill or abusively of them, or is guilty of imposture towards the persons with whom they have entered into a covenant of bai‘at, it should be their duty to repel him and to keep away from such a dangerous one.
They should not design harm against the followers of any religion or the members of any tribe or group. Be true well-wishers of everyone, and take care that no mischievous, vicious, disorderly, or ill-behaved person, should be ever of your company, or should dwell among you; for such a person could at any time be the cause of your stumbling.
Do not attack anyone improperly, and keep your passions under complete control. If you take part in a discussion, or in an exchange of views on a religious subject, express yourself gently and be courteous. If anyone misbehaves towards you, withdraw from such company with a greeting of peace. If you are persecuted or reviled, be mindful that you should not meet stupidity with stupidity, for otherwise you will be counted in the same category as your opponents.
God Almighty desires that you should become a jama‘at that should set an example of goodness and truthfulness for the whole world. Hasten to exclude everyone from your company who sets an example of evil, mischief, provocation and ill-behaviour. He who cannot dwell among us in meekness, goodness and piety, using gentle words and comporting himself in ways of good conduct, should depart from us quickly, for God does not desire that such a one should dwell among us. He will diemiserably, for he did not adopt the way of goodness. Therefore, be alert, and be truly good-hearted, gentle and righteous. You will be recognised by your regular attendance at Prayer services and your high moral qualities. He who has the seed of evil embedded in him will not be able to conform to this admonition.
(Ishtihar (The Announcement), May 29, 1898. Majmu‘ah Ishti- harat, vol. 3, pp. 46–48)

Excerpt inspiration credits:
-- Qasim Rashid: Chicago Islam Examiner
-- Amtul Mussawir Mansoor - quoted on Facebook

A New Report Finds Most Terrorists Uneducated on Islam | loonwatch.com

Posted on 11 January 2010 by Emperor
There is a new report that came out last week that was put together by David Shanzer of Duke University, Charles Kurzman of North Carolina University and Ebrahim Moosa of Duke University, titled Anti-Terror Lessons of Muslim-Americans. It is an excellent report and a must read, that amongst other things finds that a majority of Muslims who commit terrorist acts have very little Islamic knowledge,
This study identified 139 Muslim-Americans with a linkage to terrorist violence between September 11, 2001, and December 31, 2009, an average of about 17 people per year. The dataset contains information about both the offenders and the nature of their activity. All but one of the offenders are men. Their average age is 28. Almost two-thirds (65%) are under 30.
This research confirmed what has been observed in other studies of Muslim terrorists: most of those who engage in religiously inspired terrorism have little formal training in Islam and, in fact, are poorly educated about Islam. Muslim- Americans with a strong, traditional religious training are far less likely to radicalize than those whose knowledge of Islam is incomplete.
This puts a dent in the theories expounded by Islamophobes such as Spencer and company.
Also read this: Study: Threat of Muslim-American Terrorism is Exaggerated

12 Comments For This Post

  1. Ustadh Says:

    Thanks, this is certainly a must read. I imagine the Islamophobes will just brush this under the carpet.
  2. Oh no Says:

    No no no no no. You’ve got it all wrong Emperor. Spinster the great scholar on Islam and his devout sidekick Pamela Geller have put in immense research for years coming to the conclusion that these terrurists are devout Muslims. Research included interviewing Dr. Andrew Bostom, Wafa Sultan, Nonie Darwish, and Bat Ye’Or. Spinster and geller came to the chilling conclusion that any Muslim who commits terrurist acts in the name of Allah, goes to the mosque five times a day, has a beard, wears hijab, goes to hajj, gives zakat, fasts in Ramadan, and also gave his/her shahadah is and always will be intentionally or unintentionally, willingly or unwillingly a terrurist.
    Research funded by Faux News*
  3. 1001 Muslim Inventions Says:

    Much of the terrorism in Islam today is very recent, and it originates with the Muslim Brotherhood, not with Wahabism as most misled people believe.
    This movement is a recent one, and doesn’t originate from the Quran. Even an Islamophobe like Daniel Pipes says that.
  4. Nabeela Says:

    Thanks for this reminder Emperor,
    Of course we all know it, but for those who don’t and those who have Islamophobes feeding them lies, especially in the USA, this helps.
    It is noteworthy that there is more ignorance about Islam in the USA, that’s why they’re having trouble fighting terrorism. Europe is much more savvy, and tackles this problem at the root, using the right techniques, Muslim connections, and their own ties to the Muslim World.
    The reason for this disconnect from reality in the USA is because there is a well paid propoganda machine whose mission it is to lie and feed misinformation. MEMRI and SITE play a big role in this. Much of the information in the US about Islam comes either from these Likud linked Israeli formed “media” or from the likes of Robert Spencer, paid by another neo con (Horowitz) to lie.
    There is also the Christian Right (Fox News, World Net Daily), who have their own agenda to propogate lies against Islam, support for Israel terrirotial expansion for the Armaggedon, for which they need to demonise Islam.
  5. Yusuf Says:

    This was also made clear in “Who Speaks For Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think” by John L. Esposito and Dalia Mogahed.
    Read the book! Real data, not speculation.
  6. Danios Says:

    Great article, Emperor.
  7. Leonora Says:

    duh. this only proves (sort of) what we already know
  8. AbdulJabbar Says:

    lol, written by David Shanzer, who is the Director of the Triangle Center of Terrorism and Homeland Security in the U.S.
    It’s funny who you choose to trust when it comes to Muslims.
    The inventors of Islamophobia want you to believe that fighting is not allowed in Islam and that those who do have no knowledge thereof. That’s the classic British Tactic “Turn people away from scholars, so we can reteach them our philosophy”
    The guy who is responsible for upholding laws that call for racial profiling against Muslims and the spreading of Islamophobia across America, is the one Muslims like you turn to for advice ? He’s going to tell me about Islam now ? Like there is a shortage of scholars in the Ummah?
    Assuming that a majority of ‘terrorists’ don’t know about Islam. What about the thousands of scholars all around the world who support these so-called “terrorists”. They’re probably just crazy? Didn’t get enough milk in childhood or something? What about well learned and trusted scholars that the entire Ummah respects such as Ibn Uthaymiyeen or the writer of the most renowned Tafsir of the Qur’an “Ibn Kathir” ? They also hold the same philosophy on Jihad, are they also uneducated on Islam ?
    The only people educated are the scholars who are paid by the U.S. government such as Government affiliated organizations ISNA and CAIR ? Or directors of homeland security organizations ? Or wait perhaps Charles Kurzman ? A self-proclaimed scholar of Islam (who incidentally happens to be a Jew, well trusted by other famous Jews).
    Or wait, there’s also Ebrahim Moosa: With a name and credentials like his, he has got to know about Islam. The same guy who is running Ford-Foundation funded projects against Islam (Wikipedia has more on that)
    Once again, I implore you to be careful about who you trust. I know this is a tough time we live in, where most if not all of the media conglomerates are paid for by think tanks and governments for a simple purpose. Eliminate religious freedom.
    You know this better than I do. You show how Media is spreading Islamophobia, what do you think is the purpose?. What is the motive? It’s to stop Jihad from ruining what they call ‘Democracy’. It’s to stop people from questioning leaders. It’s to establish a clouded Fascism under the guise of Democracy. The only thing that stands in their way is “Islam”. Islam says “There is no need for man made constitution”, and that leaves Man with no power over others. Islam leaves no opportunity for power-hungry fascists to rule over people because Islam hands the final judgment always over to God. “They” can’t stand that.
    They are even willing to spread a ‘fake’ version of Islam as long as Muslims stop believing in Shariah and become submissive to humans because then Islam is no longer a threat to global control.
    You might think I’m a brain washed crazie who has little or no knowledge of Islam, I will tell you this though. Study Islam yourself, and Allah-willing, you shall see where the Prophet (SAWS) stood on this issue and how strict it is. We call ourselves servants of Allah, but curse the Mujahideen.
    What do you make of the story of Ka’ab (the jew who used to slander against the PRophet SAWS) ? Prophet SAWS ordered him to be assasinated. Not because he faught against Islam but because he wrote poems defaming Islam. If we now do the same thing against the Danish Cartoonist, we’re all of a sudden Terrorists? Following the PRophet (SAWS) in words and actions makes us now Terrorists ? And some how this guy is telling us that we have no knowledge of Islam ?
    What about the way Sa’ad (RA) handled the case of the hypocrites in Madina? This isn’t made up stuff. It’s in all the Sahih Hadith’s you can pick up. It’s in Qur’an, it’s in tafsir of Qur’an. It isn’t some ’secret Al-Qaeda literature, that is only given to these ‘uneducated’ terrorists’ It’s common knowledge.
    Prophet SAWS called for the public execution of hypocrites (from the ruling party of the country they were living in!). Why didn’t the Prophet (SAWS) say ‘we’re in contract with them, so let’s shutup and live our lives’. Why drastic measures?
    What about the sayings of the PRophet (SAWS)? “Fighting in the cause of Allah will continue till the last day” (Bukhari). “A day will come when people will be afraid to fight in the cause of Allah, that day Islam will be weakened because the love of Jihad would be taken from the hearts of Muslims” (Sahih Bukhari).
    What about “A caravan from among my people would continue to be on the right path and continue to fight in the way of Allah till the last day” (Bukhari).
    Let’s ignore all that, and listen to David Shanzer?
  9. Ryan Says:

    it said spare women and children, and allah loveth not transgressors. Can you actually provide evidence? You’re not even a real muslim, your like one of those losers ali sina uses to justify his rather weak arguements. and ka’ab was never assasinated.
  10. Ryan Says:

    also, Islam says to be a loyal citizen to your host country even if they are predominately a religion you disagree with.
  11. IbnAbuTalib Says:

    Abdul Jabbar:What do you make of the story of Ka’ab (the jew who used to slander against the PRophet SAWS) ? Prophet SAWS ordered him to be assasinated. Not because he faught against Islam but because he wrote poems defaming Islam.
    Looking at it in the context of all reports, including the one which states that the Prophet(saw) did not take revenge on others (which makes it highly implausible that he would order the assassination of the Jewish poet simply because he composed derogatory poems about him), and consequently taking into consideration that poetry constituted a highly effective medium of galvanizing people, the only reasonable conclusion is that the Prophet(saw) had Kaab executed to protect the Muslims.
    Abdul Jabbar:Assuming that a majority of ‘terrorists’ don’t know about Islam. What about the thousands of scholars all around the world who support these so-called “terrorists”. They’re probably just crazy?
    Obviously the statement that thousands of scholars support terrorists is an exaggeration. Even if you are right, that still doesn’t justify terrorism. To say that something is right simply because the majority subscribes to it is tantamount to an argumentum ad populum.
    Abdul Jabbar:You might think I’m a brain washed crazie who has little or no knowledge of Islam.
    Abdul Jabbar:I will tell you this though. Study Islam yourself, and Allah-willing, you shall see where the Prophet (SAWS) stood on this issue and how strict it is. We call ourselves servants of Allah, but curse the Mujahideen.
    Funny how you extol what allegedly thousands of scholars say and then encourage other people to study Islam for themselves. What exactly do you mean, to study Islam through its primary sources, or to study it through the opinions of scholars whose own views were largely shaped by their times and surroundings? Thank God there is no Islamic pope!
  12. Cassidy Says:

    You’re right; it does say to spare women (who were often sold into slavery) however the part about children is a bit of a half truth, by the standard of those times a child was a pre pubescent, so children 13 and older were not spared.

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Ahmadiyya Times: Nova Scotia, Canada: Muslim association hosting symposium for women

SYDNEY — Understanding why some women practising their religion wear hijabs, while others wear habits, will be among the topics discussed at an event for women interested in discussing the role of their gender in modern society.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l Desk
Source & Credit: Cape Brenton Post | April 25, 2010
Erin Pottie | epottie@cbpost.com
Sydney, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada
Correction update | 07:45 PST

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Ladies Association of Sydney is hosting an invitation-only event for women Friday at the Membertou Trade and Convention Centre.

আহমদিয়ার দাফনে উগ্রপন্থিদের বাধা | bdnews24.com

আহমদিয়ার দাফনে উগ্রপন্থিদের বাধা
Mon, Apr 26th, 2010 1:19 am BdST
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Ahmadiyya Times: Bangladesh: Burial barred as she was Ahmadiyya

Devotees told reporters that the graveyard is used for the burial of the bodies of the Muslim community but not for non-Muslims.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l Desk
Source & Credit: The Daily Star
By Staff Correspondent

The devotees of a mosque yesterday obstructed the burial of an elderly woman of Ahmadiyya community at a graveyard in the city's Tejgaon Industrial area.

Ban the Burqa? - The Review of Religions

The burqa or hijab, an all-enveloping garment worn by Muslim women that leaves only the eyes exposed, has hit the headlines again! In an historical address to parliament on Monday, 22nd June, French President Nicolas Sarkozy strongly criticised the wearing of the burqa by Muslim women in France:

Friday Sermon - How to become grateful servants of God

How to become grateful servants of God

Summary of Friday Sermon

Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad at, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

April 23 rd, 2010

NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon

Today Hudhur delivered his Friday Sermon from Noor Mosque, Wigoltingen, Switzerland. Hudhur said he often draws our attention to become grateful servants of God. True gratefulness can only be generated when one has taqwa, an understanding of our object of creation and makes an effort to attain it. During his current European tour Hudhur has been giving sermons to draw attention to the same. He said the need to reiterate the subject arises because in spite of the facility of MTA which broadcasts Hudhur’s Friday Sermons every week as well as programmes for spiritual development, a hundred percent people do not avail of these and a good number of men, women and youngsters do not listen to the sermons regularly or if they do they assume that the sermon is only intended for the congregation to which it is directly addressed. On the contrary, Hudhur said, every single Ahmadi is addressed in each sermon. In particular those who have been Ahmadis for some generations have adopted this erroneous attitude. Whereas new Arab Ahmadis inform Hudhur that sometimes it feels as if Hudhur is delivering a sermon specifically for their situation. Listening to the Russian translation of Hudhur’s sermons on MTA, many Russian-speaking Ahmadis write to Hudhur and say how much the sermons affect them, in particular they find sermons on Tarbiyyat matters as if specific to their situation. In response to the sermon on weddings rituals they wrote to say that they too were embroiled in some rituals but after the sermon had turned towards reformation.

DAWN.COM | Editorial | An intolerant nation

An intolerant nation
Dawn Editorial
Monday, 19 Apr, 2010
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The site of the suicide attack outside an emergency ward at a local hospital in Quetta. A suicide bomber attacked a hospital emergency room where Shiite Muslims were mourning a slain bank manager, police said.
–Photo by AP

Ahmadiyya Times: Indonesia: House Roots for Upholding Blasphemy Law as it Stands

Ahmadiyya Times Editor's note: The Jakarta Post writer Panca Nugraha appears uninformed about the Ahmadiyah beliefs. The statement attributed as Ahmadiyah beliefs about the finality of the prophethood is inaccurate.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff |
Source & Credit: The Jakarta Globe | April 19, 2010

By Anita Rachman & Amir Tejo

Legislators overseeing religious affairs say they expect the Constitutional Court today to issue the “correct” verdict in regard to the 1965 Blasphemy Law — to dismiss the request for its review and put a stop to sensitive debate that has increased tensions between religious hard-liners and rights activists.

Ahmadiyya Times: Pedro Abad, Spain: Ahmadis advocate better treatment of women at their 25th annual convention

Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Community's Worldwide Head participated. Community exists in 170+ Countries and has more than 170 million followers. This is the second visit of the Caliph to Pedro Abad. The previous was in 2005.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int.l Desk
Source & Credit: Diario Córdoba | April 3, 2010
Translated and edited by Ahmadiyya Times

Some 570 people from several countries gathered at the Basharat Mosque of Pedro Abad on Friday and Saturday to celebrate the Twenty-fifth Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyya Community in Islam.

Ahmadiyya Times: Changing Trends: Khalifa of Islam arrives in Italy, Pope leaves Rome for Malta

Hazrat Ahmad explained that when Christianity spread in Italy after the suffering of the Unitarian Christians for many hundreds of years, it was helped by the concept of Trinity that came to be hugely accepted. Now Ahmadi Muslims have to spread Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam in the country and change the concept of Trinity back to Unity of God.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l News
Sources: MTA, CNA, Ahmadiyy Times
By Ahmadiyya Times Staff | April 18, 2010

The Khalifa of Islam and the Spiritual Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, arrived in Italy and delivered his Friday Sermon at Baitul Tauheed Mosque, ‘the House of Oneness [of God]’, at San Pietro in Casale in Italy, the Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA) Reported.

The Review of Religions » Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

The Review of Religions was started in 1902 by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. As a devout Muslim he passionately defended the honour of not only the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (saw), but also all Prophets of God. He was a scholar of immense repute and his works expounding the beauties of Islam and its peaceful teachings won him wide acclaim. He also had a vast knowledge of other religions and was a prolific writer with over 88 books to his name. His writings have been translated into more than 60 languages and continue to inspire readers to this day. [continue reading...]

The 10 Conditions of Bai'at for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

On January 12th, 1889 Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad published a pamphlet in which he laid down ten conditions of Bai'at (allegiance) for initiation into the Jama'at (Ahmadiyya Muslim Community). In this pamphlet he made it known that anyone who wishes to enter into covenant of allegiance should swear on the following from the core of his heart. The 10 conditions of Bai'at is now at iTunes.

Ahmadiyya Times: Pakistan: Govt silence sounds death knell for Faisalabad Ahmedis

The accused have confessed that they had obtained a decree from a cleric, Maulvi Usman, allowing robbing and killing Ahmedis. Abid says such people distribute a portion of the looted money.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff |
Source & Credit: Daily Dawn | Pakistan
By Nasir Jamal | April 17, 2010

LAHORE, April 16: It is no longer just a doorbell for Mohammad Iqbal and his family; instead it has a ring of alarm about it. As a boy goes to answer the call the other inhabitants form a line of defence behind him should the visitor turn out to be an unwelcome one. Usually the door stays shut until the visitor’s identity is established and his intent known.

Ahmadiyya Times: US: The Interfaith Council at The College of New Jersey holds forum about dating and marriage

“Arranged marriages does not mean ‘forced’ marriages, it just means your parents/elders, who know you the best, helping you find the most suitable mate." [Imam Kauser, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community]

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | US desk
Source: The Interfaith Council at TCNJ
Edited by Ahmadiyya Times Staff | April 16, 2010

The Interfaith Council at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) conducted a forum on the topic of “Dating and Marriage in Light of Various Religions.”

The event, held on April 15 was co-sponsored with “Coalition of Change.”

Friday Sermon - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Italy

Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad at, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

April 16 th, 2010

NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon

Hudhur delivered his Friday Sermon from Baitul Tauheed in Pietro de Castel in Bologna, Italy. Hudhur said it was with God’s grace that today Friday Sermon was being broadcast Live worldwide from Italy for the first time. In spite of members of the Community residing in the country for a long time in a reasonable number we do not have a centre or a mission house there. Some two years ago the site [from where the Sermon was relayed] was purchased, may God enable the construction of a mosque there and remove the hurdles in this matter. Hudhur said locals oppose the building due to their anti-Islam sentiments which are precipitated by the acts of certain Muslim groups. Those who have animosity against Islam will find any excuse to bring it into disrepute; it gives them a chance to fan the flames of ill will. Hudhur said prayers should be made that the hurdles are not only removed in this area but that we are also enabled to build a mission house in Rome.

Ahmadiyya Times: Los Angeles: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community launches new weekly radio program

"I will bring sanity back into our conversations by presenting such spiritual and faith-based context to our day-to-day issues which is common in all faiths but highlighted in Islam." [Imam Shamshad]

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | US Desk
Source: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community | Los Angeles
By Ahmadiyya Times staff

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is launching a new weekly radio program in Southern California.

The program entitled ‘Understanding Islam with Imam Shamshad’ will air live at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM GMT) every Saturday on a radio station recently converted to 'all-talk' format.

The radio station, KSPA - 1510 AM is located in Ontario and offers a wide-area broadcast footprint over large parts of San Bernardino, Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange counties.

Ahmadiyya Times: Indonesia: Ahmadiyah followers promised safe return home

The 33 families (126 people) have been taking shelter in Wisma Transito building after their homes in Ketapang village, Gegerung subdistrict, were attacked by angry residents in 2006.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l Desk
Source & Credit: The Jakarta Post | April 15, 2010
By Panca Nugraha | West Lombok | The Archipelago

West Lombok regency administration told more than 100 Jamaah Ahmadiyah members currently taking refuge in Mataram to return home, saying they did not have to worry about their safety.

The 33 families (126 people) have been taking shelter in Wisma Transito building after their homes in Ketapang village, Gegerung subdistrict, were attacked by angry residents in 2006.

Ahmadiyya Times: Nigeria: National Ahmadiyya leader cautions Nigerians on crisis

“In order to have harmonious religious and political atmosphere and good governance, we have to uphold truth, justice and fair play, guarantee freedom of conscience, freedom of worship without transgressing on the freedom of others, protection of life and property." [Dr. Mashhud Aderele Fashola]

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l Desk
Source & Credit: Nigerian Compass | April 16, 2010
By Samuel Ogidan and Yekeen Nurudeen, Abuja

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Nigeria has cautioned Nigerians against fighting and quarreling on the basis of cultural, ethnic and religious differences which would not only hindered its progress, but would make the nation to drift and lose focus.

Ahmadiyya Times: Faith and common sense: Tackling terrorism and Jihad

In a country like Bangladesh, where more than 83 per cent of the population are now Muslims, the only reason behind allowing Tablighis to keep active would be to actually ultimately wipe off the existence of Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Bahai, Ahmadiya and Jewish community in Bangladesh.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Opinion
Source & Credit: The Weekly Blitz | April 14, 2010
By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury | DHAKA

The world is gradually getting united on one agenda on combating terrorism and Jihad. International community has reason now to speak out against Jihad as for past several years, multiple forms of terror acts are spreading in the world mostly by religious fanatics or Jihadists. Bangladesh is also a victim of terrorism and in recent days, especially after the arrest of activists of Jihadist outfits in this country, it has become clear that terror groups are trying to create a new avenue in Bangladesh for their notorious activities.

Ahmadiyya Times: Somalia: Islamist insurgent group bans music from radio stations as un-Islamic

When they are not busy at sea in support of the Somali pirating operations, the soldiers of Somalian Islamist insurgent groups are out and about enforcing Music ban at Somalia's radio stations.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l Desk
Sources: BizCommunity, BBC, guardian,co.uk
By Ahmadiyya Times Staff

Radio stations in southern and central Somalia stopped playing music on Tuesday, April 13 under a ban imposed by Islamist insurgent group Hizbul Islam. The rebels announced the ban 10 days ago claiming music is un-Islamic.

Ahmadiyya Times: UK: A Muslim group will host a peace conference.

"Muslims are required by their faith to be loyal to their country and the government at all times. Such actions [violent protests] therefore, go against basic Islamic beliefs.” [Mohammed Rafiuddin, President, Watford Ahmadiyya Muslim Association]

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | UK Desk
Source: Hemel Today | The Gazette | AMA-UK
Updated by Ahmadiyya Times | April 13, 2010

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Watford has announced plans to host a peace conference.

Ahmadiyya Times: Pakistan: Slain Ahmadis had sought police protection; hire your own guards, police's response

Sources said that victims Asif, Arshad and Masood contacted People’s Colony police in view of the threats a couple of weeks ago and the police advised them to limit their movement and hire guards for their security.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l Desk
Source & Credit: Dawn | Pakistan | national
By Dawn Staff Correspondent | April 3, 2010

Slain Ahmadis had sought police protection
FAISALABAD: Three people of an Ahmadi family gunned down near Abdullahpur in People’s Colony police precincts on Thursday night were being threatened by unidentified people because of their religious activities, it’s learnt on Friday.

Ahmadiyya Times: Faith & Scriptures: The Gospel of Matthew: the most Jewish gospel

The modern scholarship about the New Testament suggests that it was not written by the apostle Matthew but only attributed to him.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Excerpts
Source & Credit: Google Knol
By Zia H. Shah | Upstate, NY

It is one of the four canonical Gospels and is perhaps the most Jewish of all the Gospels with maximum stress on following the Jewish Law. It was written around 80 AD about ten years after the Gospel of Mark. According to Encyclopedia Britannica:

Ahmadiyya Times: Faith & Logic: Muhammad in the Bible, a universal Prophet

..Islam did not begin with the advent of the Prophet Muhammad. Rather, Islam was completed with the advent of the Prophet Muhammad. With his arrival, Muhammad validated the truth and Divine commission of all prophets of God.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Articles & Book Review
Source & Credit: Chicago Islam Examiner
By Qasim Rashid | Chicago, IL | April 11, 2010

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, made his claim to prophethood at a time foretold in all great scriptures of the world. Religion advanced from the teaching of the simple existence of God as Prophet Adam established, through the Unity of God Prophet Abraham cemented, and beyond the 10 Commandments revealed to Prophet Moses. Islam then came to complete faith. As God says in the Holy Qur'an, "This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion." (5:4)

Ahmadiyya Times: UK: Apology takes MoD out of ‘mosque’ firing line

Rafiq Hayat, the national president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK, said: “The true peaceful Islam is poles apart from the hatred that is preached by a minority.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff |
Source & Credit: The Northern Echo | Hartlepool News
By Joe Willis | April 10, 2010

MUSLIM peace campaigners say they have accepted the Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) apology over the use of mosque models on an Army firing range.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Hartlepool, which has launched a campaign across the Tees Valley to promote Islamic principles of peace, said it was now time to move on.

Ahmadiyya Times: Eye on Jihad: Obama wages Jihad on "Jihad" and "Islamic terrorism"

The term, 'Islamic terrorism' is actually an oxymoron. Islam comes from Salaam which literally means peace. Thus, Islamic terrorism would literally mean 'peaceful terrorism.' What would that look like?

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Opinion
Source & Credit: Chicago Islam Examiner | April 8, 2010
By Qasim Rashid | Chicago, IL.

America's Commander in Chief made a campaign promise to improve America's image throughout the world. This campaign promise took another step forward when President Obama ordered removal of 'jihad' and 'Islamic terrorism' from security documents.

The term, 'Islamic terrorism' is actually an oxymoron. Islam comes from Salaam which literally means peace. Thus, Islamic terrorism would literally mean 'peaceful terrorism.' What would that look like?

Friday Sermon - Tabligh and Revival of Islam

Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad at, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
April 9 th, 2010

NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon

Hudhur delivered his Friday Sermon from Basharat Mosque, Pedro Abad, Spain and gave a comprehensive exposition on the essence of Tabligh.

Ahmadiyya Times: Faith & Logic: Extra-ordinary Birth of Jesus Christ

Thursday, April 8, 2010
It was customary for Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (1928-2003), the 4th. Head of the Ahmadiyya Community, to hold sessions in which he responds to questions addressed to him. Presented below is the answer to a question raised at one such session. (Transcribed and edited by Waseem A. Sayed, PhD.)

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff |
Source & Credit: AskIslam.Org
By His Holiness Mirza Tahir Ahmad (1928-2003)

Question: Why did Hazrat Isa – Jesus (as) have such an extraordinary birth?

Answer: Well, many reasons have been suggested by Hazrat Masih-e-Maood (as)– Promised Messiah [the Holy Founder of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community]. One of them was that God wanted him to become a Sign for the House of Abraham through Israel that your end has reached. No man is holy enough now, in you, to give birth to a Prophet. So the line has come to an end, and like the railway line which comes to an end, you know, there, you find a sign posted, and something blocks the railway, as a sign that here it comes to an end.

Ahmadiyya Times: Faith & finance: MasterCard offers card aimed at Muslims

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The card, which is primarily aimed at younger newcomers, was launched at the inaugural conference of the Usury-Free Association of North America in downtown Toronto.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | North America
Source & Credit: The Province | March 30, 2010

A new interest-free credit card, the first of its kind in North America, aims to reconcile Islamic canonical law and Western consumer culture.

Ahmadiyya Times: Pakistan & Talibanization: The parable of Swat flogging

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
"Pakistan's silent majority which, despite knowing that the wheel is inherently designed to come full circle, is too self-absorbed or apathetic to speak up."

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Opinion
Source & Credit: The Nation | Pakistan
By Talat Farooq | Islamabad | April 06, 2010

This piece, dear reader, is from the heart. After reading Samar Minallah's article in The News (April 5) I decided to watch the Swat flogging video again; it immediately whipped up feelings of humiliation and indignation with the same force as when I had seen it the first time. I was once again reminded of the fact why the ordinary people of Pakistan reacted so fiercely against the sordid event and with their courageous outpouring turned the tide against the Taliban and their supporters. It happened not only because the ordinary citizens of this country are more God-fearing than many self-proclaimed soldiers of God but also because they could relate to the helplessness and indignity of the female in the video both at the conscious and unconscious levels.

Ahmadiyya Times: Uganda: Humanity First | Bugisu districts to get health care

Monday, April 5, 2010
Humanity First is a leading non-profit relief organization whose board of directors, management team, and project staff running the day-to-day operations are all dedicated volunteers with diverse professional backgrounds including business, healthcare, and education sectors.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l. Desk
Source & Credit: The New Vision | Uganda
Updated by Ahmadiyya Times staff | April 5, 2010

HUMANITY First, a charity organisation based in the UK, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the health departments of Mbale, Sironko and Budaka districts to offer medical expertise and basic equipment for the next five years.

3 Ahmadi Muslim Killed in Pakistan in Barbaric Attack « Al Islam eGazette

4th April 2010PRESS RELEASE

These killings were utterly barbaric. All three Ahmadis were extremely good natured and righteous persons.

It is with great sadness that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat confirms that on 1st April 2010 three members of its community in Faisalabad, Pakistan were killed in a barbaric attack. The Ahmadis were killed for no other reason than the fact that they were Ahmadi. There should be no doubt that these were targeted killings which took place in response to the continued rallies of anti-Ahmadi fanatical groups who continue to preach that those who kill or harm Ahmadis will be rewarded by God. Such fanatics are murdering in God’s name despite the fact that they have not even a single ounce of honour or decency. Indeed they are infused by nothing but hatred and jealousy.

Ahmadiyya Times: 3 Ahmadi Muslims Killed In Pakistan In Barbaric Attack

Sunday, April 4, 2010
“This incident causes the utmost grief; these killings were utterly barbaric. All three Ahmadis were extremely good natured and righteous persons. May Allah elevate the status of the deceased in heaven and grant patience to those who have been bereaved.” [Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community]

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l Desk
Source: Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at | London
Via PRESS RELEASE | 4 April 21010

It is with great sadness that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat confirms that on 1st April 2010 three members of its community in Faisalabad, Pakistan were killed in a barbaric attack. The Ahmadis were killed for no other reason than the fact that they were Ahmadi. There should be no doubt that these were targeted killings which took place in response to the continued rallies of anti-Ahmadi fanatical groups who continue to preach that those who kill or harm Ahmadis will be rewarded by God. Such fanatics are murdering in God’s name despite the fact that they have not even a single ounce of honour or decency. Indeed they are infused by nothing but hatred and jealousy.

Ahmadiyya Times: Faith and Common Sense: Jesus Christ Only Way to God?

Sunday, April 4, 2010
It was customary for Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (1928-2003), the 4th. Head of the Ahmadiyya Community, to hold sessions in which he responds to questions addressed to him. Presented below is the answer to a question raised at one such seccion. (Transcribed and edited by Waseem A. Sayed, PhD.)

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | UK Desk
Source & Credit: AskIslam.Org | AlIslam.Org
By Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (1928-20030)

Question: Islam’s teaching is that Jesus Christ was a Prophet of God and you, as Muslims, believe that Prophets always say the truth, now the question is that Jesus has said, ‘I am the only way to God’ and isn’t it a contradiction when he was a Prophet, and he was saying the truth, and he did not say that other Prophets had been the way, and the bridge, then how can he be the only way?

Ahmadiyya Times: Muslims convene near Washington D.C. for international sports tournament

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Majlis Khuddamal Ahmadiyya USA (MKA USA) sponsors MIST. While the majority of participants are Muslim, tournament organizers encourage teams to bring their non-Muslim friends to watch and participate.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | US Desk
Source & Credit: Chicago Islam Examiner | April 3, 2010
By Qasim Rashid | Chicago, IL
Last updated 10:30 PM [PDT], April 3, 2010 | Ahmadiyya Times staff

Ahmadiyya Times: India: Kashmir shrine bars tourists over Jesus burial curiosity

Sunday, April 4, 2010
"It is not only possible that the body of Jesus lies buried here; it is very likely indeed," he [Holger Kersten] wrote, in a suggestion dismissed by Christian scholars.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff |
Source & Credit: Times of Malta | Religion
By Izhar Wani | AFP

Foreign tourists have been banned from entering a Muslim shrine in Indian-ruled Kashmir due to increasing curiosity about a theory that it contains the body of Jesus Christ.

Ahmadiyya Times: Fiji: Children should be encouraged to report crime

Saturday, April 3, 2010
"We must be more vigilant in the fight against crime and it's important that our children are part of the building-up process of raising awareness on our streets and neighborhoods."

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff |
Source & Credit: Fiji Times Online
Saturday, April 03, 2010

CHILDREN can be informants for the police in efforts to counter crime.

And every child should be taught where to turn to for help when they witness criminal activity, says Ahmadiyya Muslim Primary School headteacher Mohammed Hannif.

The Review of Religions » Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Contents of March-2010 Issue -

01. The Victory of Islam – Part 4
A rallying call to Muslims to realise their responsibility to defend their faith and be guided by the light promised to them by God Almighty
- (Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), the Promised Messiah and Mahdi)

02. Religious Terrorism: Causes and Remedies
The responsibility for spreading the concept of a barbaric Jihad rests with Muslim scholars and certain Christian intellectuals
- (Naseer Ahmad Qamar, UK)

03. What a Seeker After Truth Should Do
Religions do not cause dissension and discord. Which one should a person choose to follow?
- (Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad(ra), Khalifatul Masih II)

Musleh-Maud.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Musleh-Maud.pdf (application/pdf Object)

An article written by Mr. Abid Khan.

Friday Sermon - Jalsa Salana Spain

Jalsa Salana Spain

Summary of Friday Sermon
Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad at, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
April 2 nd, 2010
NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon

Today Hudhur delivered his Friday Sermon from Basharat Mosque, Pedro Abad, Spain. Hudhur said that with the grace of God the Jalsa Salana of Spain commences with Hudhur’s Sermon and explained that today the institution of Jalsa Salana is firmly established in each country of the world where the Community is based. The Jalsa Salana is a sign of distinction and people of the Community take great care and attention in organising it. This is because this convention is certainly not like other worldly gatherings where people come to amuse themselves. Rather, for the past one hundred and twenty years it has been a successive source of realisation for Ahmadis that to gather for two to three days each year is in compliance of the desire of the Imam of the age, who wished for his followers to assemble and listen to matters relating to God and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), bring about pure change in themselves and gain nearness to God.


Dear All,

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

With deep sorrow this is to inform you all that a great servant of our Jama'at Mukarram A.K. Rezaul Karim saheb, National Secretary Umoor-e-Ama passed away this morning at around 9:A.M. Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajeyun. He served the Jama'at with various capacities almost throughout his life. He was a very dedicated, sincere and efficient worker of the Jama'at. May Allah Almighty bless the departed soul and raise his status in heaven.

The time of his Namaz-e-Janaza and burial has not been finalized yet. Friends are requested to get in touch with our National Headquarters for this.


- Ahmad Tabshir Choudhury
   Press Secretary and Coordinator, Public Relations & External Affairs,
   National Secretary, Publication (Audio-Visual) & In-Charge, MTA
   Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at, Bangladesh (AMJB)
   4, Bakshi Bazar Road
   Dhaka - 1211
   Tel: (+88) 01713024413 mobile, +88 02 7300808 Mission
   Fax: +88 02 7300925

 *** ভালবাসা সবার তরে, ঘৃণা নয় কারো 'পরে LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE * * *